To prevent heat-related issues while on the job site, follow these five simple safety tips:
- Hydrate Staying hydrated in the summer is important. Drink lots of fluids, especially water. Have a drink within your reach at all times on hot days. Invest in a reusable water bottle and write down a drinking schedule to help keep you hydrated, healthy, and alert.
- Eat Right When you’re working in the summer heat, avoid high-fat and greasy foods. Say no to things like hot dogs, ice cream, and creamy pasta salads. Choose lighter and more healthy options like whole grains, salads, fruits, and vegetables.
- Get Sleep Achieving deep REM sleep is harder to do in hot weather. Make it a goal to sleep at least eight hours each night. Stick to a regular sleep schedule, limit your smartphone use at night, and create a cool sleeping environment, as hot/humid air makes it tougher to catch the ZZZ’s.
- Avoid Air Conditioning Don’t expose yourself to extreme temperature swings. If you’re sweating from working outside, avoid going into a cold air-conditioned space. Your skin is more susceptible to drying out or getting irritated, and your natural defenses can be lowered, which puts you at greater risk of getting sick.
- Look Out for Heat Stress Know the signs of heat-related stress. Common symptoms include hot, dry skin; sweating; confusion or hallucinations; dizziness; and fever.