The total number of motor vehicles in the United States is on a steady rise each year with 273.6 million current registered vehicles which is second only to China as the world’s largest automobile market. Knowing there is an increasing flow of traffic on well-established roadways ultimately contributes to traffic congestion. This congestion is leading to expanded roadway construction. It also promotes the importance of utilizing new technology resources which are proving to be valuable resources for traffic management.
As a full-service provider of traffic control services and equipment, staying up to date on new technology in Intelligent Traffic Management systems (ITMS) is essential. ITMS allows road authorities to have offsite real-time visibility to all aspects of the road network. These systems are important to manage transport problems by integrating technologies into the workflow of some Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) site plans. ITMS traffic-signal-control systems, variable message signs, automatic number plate recognition or speed cameras, parking guidance and information systems, weather information, bridge de-icing and other systems are all part of the roadway assistance systems.
Another key component of the ITMS is the use of car-navigation systems. The Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) provides communication between the vehicles themselves and roadside units. The VANET and other technologies help support the Intelligent traffic management (ITS) systems to provide innovative services related to transport and traffic management. All new vehicles are equipped with state-of-the-art microchips, radio frequency identification (RFID) and beacon-sensing technologies. By measuring network data using triangulation, pattern matching or cell-sector statistics, this data can be converted into traffic flow information.

Each of these systems integrate live data from multiple roadway and vehicle sources so the traveling public is better informed to make safer, more coordinated decisions with the use of these transport networks.
Other features of the Intelligent Traffic Management equipment are being enhanced by using an automatic solar charging system instead of being hard-wired to commercial power. Some systems collect and process valuable traffic data, which can be transmitted over a digital cellular network for remote access and storage. This gives users the ability to place the Queue Detection System in areas that would require wireless communication versus an AC powered system. This helps reduce the use of electricity.
The ITM systems can also be part of convoys. The crash-cushion Truck Mounted Attenuator (TMA) trucks, including the Scorpion Traffix, can hold arrow boards and other mounting equipment options. Mobile Video Trailers (MVT) provide a portable, self-contained all-weather, trailer-mounted equipment platform. Through the use of wireless communication, the MVT provides the end user a rapidly deployable real-time video system viewable from a remote location. The MVT can be used as a stand-alone camera system or tied into a larger existing CCTV system.
All of these devices help control traffic for a construction zone, incident, emergency response, roadway data tracking, or inclement weather. The end result is a much safer work zone environment for both the traveling public and the work zone personnel.
Traffic Plan offers ITM systems from featured brands including Work Area Protection and WANCO. Our clients can rent, purchase, or include systems in their temporary traffic control service program. To see a list of our equipment with details and photos for each, or to request a quote, please view this link.